By: TFN Staff
Funders and philanthropic institutions increasingly embrace equity as core to their work. Yet even among those organizations, evaluation is difficult to examine, revamp and cultivate through an equity lens. Join us for the latest installment of our Power Forward webinar series, Power for Just Practice: How Evaluations Can Promote Equity, 2 p.m. ET Jun 12.
This webinar will examine how funders are deploying new thinking and assets that articulate the value proposition and service paradigm of equity. While not all evaluation approaches are likely to support the shift of power imbalances and reduce inequities, the panel will focus on the principles of Equitable Evaluation and funder practices that support better data, organizational alignments and programs. Discussion will focus on tools and case studies currently being deployed that enhance thoughtful application of philanthropic equity commitments.
Power for Just Practices: How Evaluations Can Promote Equity
June 12 at 2 p.m. ET
Register here
Shamar Bibbins, Senior Program Officer, The Kresge Foundation
Steven LaFrance, Founder and CEO, Learning for Action
Kim Leonard, Senior Research Officer, The Oregon Community Foundation
Anna Cruz, Senior Learning and Evaluation Officer, The Kresge Foundation
Please register for this funder-only webinar by June 7 to receive log-in details.
About TFN’s Power Forward series
As part of TFN’s 20th Anniversary in 2019, we’re hosting a series of deep-dive webinars that examine how philanthropy can leverage its collective power across a range of critical issues: policy work, sustainability efforts, economic prosperity, and supporting equity and inclusion in grantmaking. This month we kick Power for Just Practice installment of the Power Forward series, which will feature three webinars focused on embedding an equity lens into organizational practices.
Catch up on the series!
Have you missed a Power Forward webinar? Audio recordings of our webinars are available for download:
February 13: Power for Policy: Restoring Inclusive Democracy
March 13: Power for Policy: Shared Prosperity & Inclusive Economies
April 10: Power for Policy: Media, Messaging & the News
April 23: Power for Policy: Mobility & Access AdvocacyMay 15:Power for Just Practices: Let’s Talk Race, Privilege & Philanthropy