By Heather Smith, Senior Program Officer-Justice, The Field Foundation
Our PLACES alumni are taking center stage at TFN’s 2018 Annual Conference — from a live storytelling event that will share firsthand accounts from the world of equity work, to participating in in-depth panels on topics such as resiliency, racial inequity and inclusive economies.
Take a look at some of the many ways alums of TFN’s PLACES Fellowship will be sharing and guiding the conversation while we’re in Houston March 19-21.
We invite you to join us for Speaking Truth to Power: Celebrating the Voices of PLACES at #TFNHouston, the first ever PLACES plenary at our annual conference on Tuesday, March 20 at 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. in the Phantom Ballroom.
If you have not registered for conference yet, register now!
Impact. That’s what every grantmaker seeks. But mention equity and diversity to the philanthropic community and often the conversation turns to the struggle of making outcomes match ideals. For nearly a decade, TFN’s PLACES Fellowship has been giving leaders in philanthropy the tools they need to embed equity into both their professional and personal lives. Join us for a live storytelling experience as PLACES alumni share their firsthand accounts about leaving their comfort zones to ask the hard questions — of their work, their world, and themselves.
Craig Martinez, Program Manager, Neighborhoods, The California Endowment (PLACES Alumni 2013)
Alece Montez, Director of Programs, Orton Family Foundation (PLACES Alumni 2013)
Mac Howison, Program Officer, Creative Learning, Heinz Endowment (PLACES Alumni 2016)
Mekaelia Davis, Program Officer, Prudential Foundation (PLACES Alumni 2017)
Kris Archie, Executive Director, The Circle (PLACES Alumni 2016)
Evelyn Burnett, Vice President of Economic Opportunity, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress (PLACES Alumni 2011)
Fourth Annual PLACES Alumni Gathering
Sunday, March 18
12:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Emancipation Park
Meet in the lobby at 11:30 a.m. to take buses to Emancipation Park, 3018 Emancipation Avenue. We will return to the hotel at 5:30 p.m.
As conscious funders looking to practice deep equity, we engage in learning that helps us apply a multitude of systems, organizing, and social change models. Deep equity, however, also requires that we pay attention to our hearts, our heart-mind connection, and our behaviors. It may feel that the urgency of social and world situations calls on us to forego the self-work, yet cultural, historical, spiritual and neuroscience evidence shows us that self-awareness is a great tool to help us approach situations without the cloud of judgment and isolated experience that often results in blinders and walls. This session is focused on brining mindfulness and self-care to our work in advancing equity.
Highlights include:
Opening session designed to center fellows on bringing self-care practices and mindset to the work of equity |
Facilitated learning sessions on advancing racial equity in our own institutions. Topics include: communications, grantmaking, managing up, building alliances, establishing trust with community partners |
Speakers Include: Dion Cartwright of The Funders’ Network(PLACES Alumni 2011), Eureka Gilkey of Project Row Houses, Michelle Knapik of Emily Hall Tremaine Family Foundation, Bina M. Patel of Saathi Impact (PLACES Alumni 2012), and Sheena Solomon of The Gifford Foundation(PLACES Alumni 2012).
Please note: this event is for alumni only |
Materials for the alumni gathering can be found here |
Putting Equity to Action: Facilitated Learning Session
Monday, March 19
8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Hemingway Room
Facilitator: Bina M. Patel from Saathi Impact (PLACES Alumni 2012).
PLACES Read Between the Wines Book Club
Tuesday, March 20
5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Ultimate Ransom Room
Don’t miss out on the PLACES Read Between the Wines Book Club: Join fellow PLACES alumni for a glass of wine to discuss this year’s book club selection, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America.
Alumni @ Conference
PLACES alumni will be participating throughout the conference. Here are the sessions that will have alumni participating as speakers and/or moderators: Pre-Conference Institute: Resilient People, Resilient Places: Spotlight on SolutionsMonday, March 19, 9:00 a.m. Collaborative Efforts to Address Racial Inequities in the CommunityMonday, March 19, 2:00 p.m. Lost in Translation: The Importance of Intermediaries in Anchor PartnershipsTuesday, March 20, 10:15 a.m. Defining an Inclusive Economy, Measuring Success and Changing BehaviorsTuesday, March 20, 10:15 a.m. PLACES Pro-Tip: Don’t forget to stay for our closing plenary with nationally renowned speaker and policy maker focusing on social and environmental justice issues, Mustafa Santiago Ali. He will be introduced by Tyler Nickerson of The Solutions Project (PLACES Alumni 2017). |
For the 2018 TFN Annual Conference PLACES schedule of events, click here. |